Local News week of 27th October 2022

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Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper local news section for the two weeks ending 29th October 2022, begins with an announcement from Royal Mail, good news from the Council and heartwarming Community news and Youth Music award winners.

Royal Mail

We have an announcement from Royal Mail about how to use or return you postage stamps before they become unusable, when all stamps will need a barcode.

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council News

We have news of the Mayor’s officially unveiling of the first phase of a programme of improvements on Epsom and Walton Downs to enhance the visitor experience. The work has been funded by a pre-Brexit grant to Epsom and Ewell borough council from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and has been boosted by The Jockey Club and Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators.

Local Community News

Sustainable Epsom and Ewell is an environmental, volunteer led and A-political group, founded in 2019, who want to share their resources and local knowledge with residents. They run events and work and have an ambition to encourage the council to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Membership of Epsom Pantry has grown rapidly since it was opened by Good Company Surrey in July 2022, it is a member led community hub and food shop that provides affordable groceries and helps to reduce dependency on foodbanks. They also run free cooking classes and other community activities, providing a welcoming safe space.

Epsom Methodist Church has launched Warm Wednesdays running from 2nd November to the end of February 2023 providing complimentary drinks, soup or cakes at different times of the day. They will also be running a family friendly After School Club providing a free meal to attendees.

Youth Music Awards

Surrey Arts and Inclusion music teacher Raghad Haddad has won the Inspirational Music Leader Award at the Youth Music Awards 2022. Raghad is a viola player with a refugee background who is from a small town near Damascus, Syria. Since being granted asylum in the UK in 2018, Raghad has worked on many projects involving vulnerable children and performed at numerous charity events.

Kavyan Hajirostami, who is from Iran, has also been nominated for the Young Leader Award for their work with the Big Leaf Foundation .The Big Leaf Foundation support Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) across Surrey and work closely with Surrey Arts on a range of music and arts projects

Listen to our audio news for full details of these and other stories, including how you can help the NHS by having both the flu and Covid vaccinations and our regular Nature Notes.

Please remember to share with anyone you know who is blind or has a visually impairement.

More Contact Information for this week’s news stories

Community Contact Information

For information on environmental resources visit Sustainable Epsom and Ewell or email sustainable.epsom.ewell@gmail.com

For membership details and opening times visit Epsom Pantry

For details, visit Epsom Methodist Church Warm Wednesdays

Local Entertainment

For more information and to book tickets visit The Horton What’s On

For full details of the autumn programme visit Epsom Jazz Club

The local news is just one of three sections of the Epsom and Ewell as described on the About Us page.

Community information is available from the websites: Surrey County Council, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and Leatherhead Living.

If you have any local stories or information that you think will be of interest to our listeners, please Contact Us