Local News week of 16th March 2023

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Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper audio local news, for the 2 weeks ending 16th March 2023, features an important announcement. We have borough and county council news, news of a new community fund and finish imagining summer in the park.

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council news

The Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (EEBC) Draft Local Plan consultation has now ended and we have the key milestones for the following stages. We also have news of some new plannning applications including an update about the controversial Chalk pit site.

Anti-Litter campaign

EEBC Lord Kitchener posters warning fines of #100 for litter offenders.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Lord Kitchener Posters

EEBC has launched an anti-litter campaign with Lord Kitchener posters being displayed around the borough and on social media. The posters warn residents of the possibility of fines of £100 or a fixed penalty notice. Littering is a criminal offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Community Infrastructure Levy

EEBC have awarded Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding to regeneration projects in the borough. The funding is allocated on the basis of the health and recreational benefits projects will have on the borough. We have details of just some of the projects that will benefit.

Photographic ID

For the first time, residents will need to show photographic ID to vote in the Local May Elections. We have details of the acceptable types of photographic ID or where to apply for free ID. This does not apply to voters registered for a postal vote.

Surrey County Council News

Surrey County Council (SCC) has agreed it’s budget for 2023-2024 with a 2.99% increase, lower than the vast majority of other councils and the current rate of inflation. We have details of the £1 billion per year spent on services and the council’s five-year capital investment plan.

Community Foundation for Surrey

We have also news about The Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS), part of a national network of 47 Community Foundations and ‘one of the fastest growing philanthropic movements in the UK’. The CFS is raising money with the support of SCC and invites companies, trust and individuals to donate. Donations will be put towards awarding grants to local organisations that are actively helping people in poverty.

Plant a Tree

SCC is aiming to plant 1.2 million new trees by 2030, and the Epsom Civic Society (ECS) is encouraging its members to plant trees. ECS advises members to obtain their neighbours agreement and a survey for each 50m pavement length. Applications can be made through the SCC website. The Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board can give advice on the type of tree and the sutability of the plot.

Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust

We have two stories about Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, with the news of how the Trust coped with the first Junior Doctor’s strike and, in another story, how the Trust owes £2.2 million in salary overpayments and how they are attempting to recover this public money.

Ashley Centre

The Ashley Centre is to be rebranded and refurbished a new Primark store to replace the closed House of Fraser store and new shops. The centre’s managers are hopeful that the extended ULEZ bordering Epsom and Ewell will bring greater footfall to the town.

Listen to our audio news for full details of these and other stories including the Epsom resident Taslimah Rassool who may be the first hijab-wearing Miss Great Britain is raising money for a charity set up to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy. We also have the heart-warming story of the rehoming of Griffin the blind cocker spaniel who was a stray, cared for by Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.

LIke our news editor Jan, we all look forward to spending time in Alexandra Recreation Park, at the Park View Cafe and listening to the Epsom and Ewell Silver Band playing with a working pavillion clock. Please remember to share the EETN with anyone you know who is blind or has a visually impairment.

More Contact Information for this week’s news stories

To find out more visit The Community Foundation for Surrey

To register for a postal voter visit EEBC Who Can Vote and How or to check or apply for photographic ID visit EEBC Voter ID or the electoralcommission.org.uk

Find out more about Taslimah Rassool’s chosen charities visit Humanappeal.org.uk or AleX’s Wish.

For more information about tree planting contact the Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board

This fortnight’s news articles come from the Epsom and Ewell Times including some provided to them by the  Local Democracy Reporting Service of the BBC, the Surrey Comet and Surrey Live.

Community information is available from the websites: Surrey County Council, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and Leatherhead Living.

The local news is just one of three sections of the Epsom and Ewell as described on the About Us page.

If you have any local stories or information that you think will be of interest to our listeners, please Contact Us