A generous donation from local Rotary Clubs

Judy Sarssam receiving a donation cheque from Jane Illingworth, President of Banstead Rotary Club

It was a special privilege to attend a gathering of many charities who were fortunate enough to be supported by Banstead Rotary Club.

Banstead Rotary Club are working in partnership with Sutton Nonsuch Rotary Club. Every year they send Father Christmas around the local neighbourhoods and locate him outside Tescos. This massive effort results in a wonderful collection from which local charities are given donations.

The Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper express our gratitude to the Rotary teams for their hard work and to the people of the local area for their generosity. The £600 we received will be spent on MP3 players and memory sticks enabling us to continue our free service to the visually impaired of the area and further afield.

The wellbeing of our Listeners is contributed to by their knowledge of local news, the variety of magazine pieces and the podcasts which they receive fortnightly on memory sticks.

Congratulations to the Banstead Rotary and the Sutton Nonsuch Rotary for their sterling work – not only locally but globally.

Judy Sarssam
Chairwoman EETN