Useful Resources


Links to external websites are provided for the reader’s convenience. The Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper does not give any representation regarding the quality, safety, suitability or reliability of any external site; neither do we endorse or recommend products or services that external sites may offer.

Retina Uk Recordings download or stream recordings from Retina Uk’s  meetings and conferences, these will usually be made available free of charge a few days after the events.
Be My Eyes is an app that connects blind people with volunteer helpers from around the world via live video chat.
Calibre Audio Library is a national charity providing a subscription-free service of unabridged audio books for adults and children with sight problems, dyslexia or other disabilities, who cannot read print.
National Music for the Blind is a registered charity that aims to provide a first class and free entertainment service to the visually impaired in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  
Poklington Trust  offers people who are blind or have sight loss the support they require to lead an independent life, based on their individual requirements.
The Blind Sport Podcast the Sports Podcast for the blind, the partial sighted and the supportive sightie.
Epsom and Ewell History Explorer has a huge range of fascinating stories on many aspects of local history.
Support for Blind Employees is a blog by Lisa Manners who, based on her own daughter’s experience, aims to provide up to date information about employment rights for the blind and visually impaired. An extensive list of resource links are provided and it is well worth a visit for anyone returning to or already in employment.
NPR podcast directory is a directory of very interesting podcasts produced by the NPR multimedia news organisation and radio program producer, based in the US.