It was with great pleasure that the Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper (EETN) welcomed the Worshipful Mayor of Epsom and Ewell Councillor Robert Geleit and the Lady Mayoress to their Studio in Swail House on Thursday 21st March.

They chatted with the volunteer team on duty who were delighted to show the distinguished visitors how the fortnightly recordings are compiled and distributed to the Visually Impaired Listeners (VIP ) of the area.

The Mayor and Mayoress were impressed at the free service the EETN Charity provides. They recognised the great value to Visually Impaired people to have access to knowledge of what is happening in the community around them, let alone the stimulation of the wide range of magazine articles and pod casts to which the EETN gives them access. Inability to read is a major loss to those with failing eye sight.
The Mayor had a new experience to add to the numerous ones he has enjoyed during his term as Mayor, as he recorded a short message for the VIPs to hear on their next edition of their talking newspaper.
The Mayor said that the year had been the best one of his life and that he had no idea how many superb people were working in the myriad of Charities in Epsom and Ewell.