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This week’s news section for the Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper has an eclectic mix of stories with a police chase, a veteran reunited with his medals and concluding with a report about the EETN stall at the Banstead Rotary Club fair.
In environmental news a petition has been raised by Mark Todd, a local resident, to call on Thames Water to stop pumping sewage into the rare chalk stream the Hogsmill river and the Green Lanes Stream. Mark said ‘the sewage is killing the rivers: destroying wildlife, poisoning animals, and makes it unsafe for kids or animals to play in them’.
Continuing in this watery theme, we have news from Epsom and Ewell Borough Council about the work taking place between the Horse pond and the Upper Mill pond following damaging leaks that caused a sink hole to appear in the road. The work will also result in ecological improvements.
In village news, Ewell Village has entered this year’s Britain in Bloom gardening competion, with volunteers meeting every month to make changes that will revitalise the village and residents are encouraged to make small aesthetic improvements, such as adding a hanging basket.
We have a request for help from Epsom and St Helier Hospitals, who are offering a wide variety of voluteering roles such as visiting patients, helping on the wards or helping ward staff.
We have two musical reports with a review of the Epsom Choral Society summer concert and the new Epsom Jazz Club, run under the umberella of the Epsom Music charity, it’s aim is to bring a variety of world class jazz musicians to the town.
Listen to our audio news for the full stories for these and many other news stories. This week we finish with a report from one of our prize winning volunteer’s about the exciting day our Chair Judy Sarssam and our team had at the Banstead Village Fair, with thanks to the Banstead Macular Group.
We also have an interview by Jan Collier with Mark Adams, a local barber, retiring after 20 years.
Please do remember to share with anyone you know is blind, visually impaired or has difficulty reading some small print.
More Contact Information for this week’s news stories
For more information about volunteering contact:
Epsom and St Helier volunteering
Central Surrey Voluntary Action or call 01372 722911
For more information about help for veterans visit
SSAFA – the Armed Forces Charity
Surrey Information Point and enter “veterans” as the keyword
To find out more about visit The Brigette Trust
For detaisl of events and to book visit:
The local news is just one of three sections of the Epsom and Ewell as described on the About Us page.
Community information is available from the websites: Surrey County Council, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and Leatherhead Living.