Local News week of 7th December 2023

The Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper local audio news for the two weeks ending 7th December 2023 includes full details of how to take part in two public consultations and a full programme of What’s On Christmas events taking you into the New Year.

To listen to this week’s audio news click Play

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

We begin this week’s local news with full details of the Epsom Town Centre Draft Masterplan and residents are invited to participate in a public consultation until it closes at 23:59 on the 22nd December.

The Draft Masterplan and the response questionnaire can be accessed on the Epsom and Ewell Borough Council consultation portal using the link: https://epsom-ewell.inconsult.uk/ETCMP/ Request a paper copy by emailing localplan@epsom-ewell.gov.uk  or telephone:  01372 732000 or visit the local library for information.

Surrey County Council

Surrey County Council (SCC) have published their draft budget and have invited residents to read a full information pack detailing how the £1.1 billion budget is spent and their budget proposals. They have invited Surrey residents to take part in a survey before the budget is finalised. To find out more visit Draft Budget. To complete the survery online visit Online Survey.

Should you require this survey in an alternative format email contact.centre@surreycc.gov.uk or telephine 0345 600 9009. You can also contact us via text phone 18001 03456 009 009, text message on 07860 053 465 or through the SCC Sign Language Video Relay Service.

Tree Man

We have the news story of the heart warming dedication event on the 3rd December 2023 at Alexandra Recreation Ground, when volunteers from Friends of Alexandra Park, local councillors of the Epsom & Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB), the Epsom & Ewell Tree Officer and the Mayor of Epsom and Ewell gathered to honour local hero Mike Ford known as “Tree Man”. For further information about Epsom & Ewell Tree Advisory Board email epsomandewelltab@gmail.com or visit their Facebook page @EpsomEwellTreeAdvisoryBoard

What’s On!


A newly refurbished Epsom Playhouse is looking forward to welcoming residents to their exciting Christmas programme, we have details of some of their Christmas events:

Wizard of Oz

Journey with Dorothy as she remembers ‘There’s no place like home‘ in this year’s magical Christmas Wizard of Oz panto. Friday 15th December 2023 to Monday 1st January 2024.

Santa’s Christmas Wish

Santa’s Christmas Wish is a festive, song-filled, interactive family show particularly suitable for 2-8 year olds. It lasts 45 minutes and is followed by a special meet, greet and treat with Father Christmas himself  Sunday 3rd to Sunday 24th December 2023                  

For more information and to book tickets visit Epsom Playhouse or Telephone: 01372 742555 / 742227

Artisan Fair

An Artisan Fair with stalls offering lots of unique gifts and food will be in the Ashley Centre From Friday 15th December to Sunday 24th December

Epsom: Epsom & Ewell Borough Council car parks will be free on 10, 17, 24 and 25 December.

The Horton

Snow Play

Snow Play

Snow Play is a showdown between Winter and Spring over who gets to stay and who has to go away in The Horton‘s snowy spectacular show where you are guaranteed a white Christmas, no matter what the weather or the time of year! An interactive snowtastic seasonal show, Snow Play is a highly interactive smash-hit production. Snow Play is 50 minutes long. Recommended for children aged 3+ and their families from 19th-23rd December Telephone 01372 747662

Snow Play at The Horton Epsom

Listen now for full details of the public consultations and Christmas events as well as our many other news stories, including an announcement by Surrey Police on the actions they have taken to reduce violence against women and girls in Epsom town centre.

Many of this fortnight’s news articles come from the Epsom and Ewell Times

Community information is available from the websites: Surrey County Council, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and Leatherhead Living.

The Go Epsom website has the Epsom Going out Guide which features some of the events listed plus other events you may be interested in.

The local news is just one of three sections of the Epsom and Ewell as described on the About Us page.

If you have any local stories or information that you think will be of interest to our listeners, please Contact Us