In this week’s Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper local news section, for the two weeks ending 11th April 2022, we begin with a story of heroism as we hear of the journey of an Epsom Hospital security boss to Ukraine with provisions for the relief of orphans.
In other news, we hear of the agreement to allow market stalls to use Epsom town centre to begin evening trading. There is trouble ahead if KFC is allowed to erect a food outlet on ASDA’s car park at Burgh Heath and good news regarding the continuance of the Epsom Wells Centre.
We hear the prescribing of the wellbeing and good health that comes with the communing with nature and Tony Drakeford helps in our regular Nature Notes with two interesting nature items on frogs and cuckoos.
A retired chartered building consultant has expressed his concerns in a story about Kingston Council’s plans to replace and potentially demolish the “much-loved” New Malden Leisure Centre.
We have a few stories this week about two entreprising local women: entrepreneur Donna Goddfrey is setting up a mobile food outlet to be added to her Coffee House in Epsom. Ashtead mum, Karen McGuigan has won a business bursary after she founded the Maths for Life programme during the first lockdown, to assist children with learning difficulties. And the story of a brave mum with terminal cancer who is raising money for the charity CoppaFeel.
Listen to this week’s audio news for these and other stories including full details of how and where Easter can be enjoyed in Epsom and the surrounding areas. We also have news of two well known comedians Sara Pascoe and Tim Vine appearing in Stoneleigh in July.
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Audio News
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More Contact Information for this week’s news stories
For more information visit the Facebook page for Save the Wells Centre
For more information and to enrol visit Maths for Life
To donate or find out more visit CoppaFeel
The local news is just one of three sections of the Epsom and Ewell as described on the About Us page.
Community information is available from the websites: Surrey County Council, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and Leatherhead Living.